Survivor Sale A Huge Success!

Survivor Sale A Huge Success! November 13, 2019 NHG Uncategorized Our sincere thanks to all of our friends and patrons who came out this past weekend for t

Survivor Sale A Huge Success!

Our sincere thanks to all of our friends and patrons who came out this past weekend for the ‘Survivor Sale’ at NHG. With your support and donations, every dollar raised will go directly to rebuilding a new and better experience for our guests. Thank you!

Now, we’re busy planning the installation of our temporary structures to service the holiday season. Our trees, poinsettias, gifts, greenery and more are due to arrive shortly, and with the addition of two temporary greenhouses and a climate-controlled tent, our goal is to reopen for the holidays by Monday, November 25th.

We sincerely appreciate all the wonderful memories and feedback you’ve been sending to us via email and social media! We’ve compiled a list of the top recommendations and requests to make the future store even better, and we’re working with different building and layout plans to ensure that our next experience is our best ever. Stay tuned as we continue to develop them!

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